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Eva Henger pornstar - Free Eva Henger porn videos

Eva Henger

Eva Input, Eva Sobieski, Eva Sodiesky

Eva Henger
Győr,Győr,Hungary 3944
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Information about Eva Henger

  • Birth: 2/11/1972, 52 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 8 in (177 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
This beautiful Hungarian pornstar was chosen Miss Teen Hungary at the age of 17 years in 1990

In 1995 he went to Italy from whence its origins and soon became the girlfriend of porn producer Riccardo Schicchi. He married and had two daughters with him

She was very popular in Italy, where he hosted his own show on national TV channel RAI UNO

Bad times against it began when her husband reported her for prostitution in their pub Diva Futura in Rome. This came to light and immediately removed his TV. She was convicted and sentenced to four years and six months in jail