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Evelyn Lory pornstar - Free Evelyn Lory porn videos

Evelyn Lory

Evelyn Lory
Bratislava,Bratislava,Slovakia 4091
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Information about Evelyn Lory

  • Birth: 27/6/1984, 40 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
His name is Evelyn Lory. "Evelyn" is what they called their friends at school and "Lory" was chosen as a middle name, as to unusual sounds.

After leaving school, he began working as an economist... incredibly boring-not a profession for an active person like Evelyn. That is the reason I understand the job of marketing director of a company dealing with computer components,-in which he realized that sitting in the office was not for her. In January 2004, her friend Silvia Saint asked if she wants to visit a casting for Playboy... and she tried her luck. It is unusual to undress before so many people, but Lory has no problem in it. He said-boy-girl scenes ever, the ultimate girl-girl. Two months passed and nothing happened, so I stopped thinking about it, but what's called in the selection of his production company to come and do a photo shoot. Held in Prague, lasted three days and was girl-girl. I can tell you it was a big shock for an amateur! But she did and the company was enthusiastic

Evelyn met with his agent and in the course of the year, had more work than they expected. In 2004, he had the opportunity to pose for photos taken by photographers and many production companies that have visited a lot of places in Europe. Lory had taken pictures with models. Year 2005 started great! A trip to the Egyptian capital, Cairo, super photos in Amsterdam. With his friend photographer Roman Sluka, they have been showing great material