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Faye Reagan pornstar - Free Faye Reagan porn videos

Faye Reagan

Faye Valentine, Fay Reagan, Faye Regan, Robin Rivers, Faye Karli

Faye Reagan
Las Vegas,Nevada,United States 3662
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Information about Faye Reagan

  • Birth: 19/9/1988, 36 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Reagan is known for be redhead pecosilla face, erect nipples, and is represented by A List Talent agency. Her first scene was with Jack Napier interracial 2007 in the film The Gauntlet 3. In the same film also had sex with 23 men, and made his first creampie scene.

She does not perform anal sex on screen. In May 2008 was presented as one of the four cover girls of Fresh New Faces of Adult Video News. She appeared at the 12th Annual Convention of the Erotic in the Los Angeles Convention Center in June 2008. A Reagan has been linked with some industry colleagues as Dane Cross, who has worked frequently, since 2007. He appeared in a printed catalog of American Apparel in October 2008, as Jillian

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