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Francine Dee pornstar - Free Francine Dee porn videos

Francine Dee

Djhoanna Dee, Francine Dychiuchay

Francine Dee
Hong kong,Hong kong,China 3949
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Information about Francine Dee

  • Birth: 21/7/1978, 46 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:103 lbs (47 kg)Gender:Female
Francine Dee (born Francine Dychiuchay on July 21, 1978 in Hong Kong) is a model best known for her aparienciones in automotive magazines and exhibitions in Tuning scene and their breasts, which has been increased several times surgically

It is of Filipino and Chinese ancestry. When he was a few months old, he moved to the Philippines. In 1983, her parents and she moved to Orange County, California. First appeared on the cover of the magazine "Oriental Dolls", later made breast augmentation. He has also appeared in numerous Playboy special.

He began his work on the tuning scene in 1998 at the insistence of his friends. Now is managed by the late Wunderkind of the modeling scene, The P.

In 2004, Francine appeared in "Blind Date", an American television series of blind dates. He also appeared as a stripper in the movie Soul Plane.

She is single after her recent split of the Director General of Hip-Hop Honeys Jonathan Shecter, and currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada, where she lives with her two dogs Samantha and Chayse