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Gina Lynn pornstar - Free Gina Lynn porn videos

Gina Lynn

Gina Lynn
Mayagüez,Aguadilla-Mayagüez,Puerto Rico 4070
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Information about Gina Lynn

  • Birth: 14/2/1974, 51 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 1 in (157 cm)Weight:103 lbs (47 kg)Gender:Female
Born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, at age 7, after her parents' divorce, she moved to New Jersey, United States with his mother. When he was 10 his mother married a man she called her savior Gina him again as a family, and a younger brother.

He started attending a private Catholic school where she felt very out of place. When I went to school even started working part time at a mall, which led him to meet and interact with people very different from what was known before and what led him to make new friends. He met a girl who worked at a strip club and made a lot of money, so Gina, eager to increase their income, he began working as a stripper at the weekend in the senior year.

Two years later Gina heard on the news about a strip club in Pennsylvania called Als Diamond Cabaret where many performances were famous porn stars and decided to go there because it seemed very interesting. She was hired and worked as a stripper for several years, which led him to meet new people related to the porn industry