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Gina Ryder pornstar - Free Gina Ryder porn videos

Gina Ryder

Gina Rider, Gina Lascano

Gina Ryder
San Antonio,Texas,United States 3958
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Information about Gina Ryder

  • Birth: 23/1/1977, 48 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:123 lbs (56 kg)Gender:Female
Gina Ryder is a sexy Latino, a porn star brown long hair, brown eyes and a body that makes you crazy

Born in San Antonio, Texas during the summer of 1977, Gina began in a hot tube porn. And that heat has led and expanded it to a whole new level and along its winding career. Gina was working as a sales manager in a music store before entering the adult industry. There, the hours were long and tiring and the pay was less than satisfactory. She needed to find something new and exciting. When I decided to try to dance recommended. And ended up really enjoying it

For a year and a half, was watching the dancers and through them started in the industry of adult films. In 1998 he decided to fly to Los Angeles and hire an agent. We contacted the major studios and worked on several projects amateur

The hard work of Gina, his life energy and full of pure sexuality performances have taken amateur videos of high level productions for some of the most reputable companies in the porn business today