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Gina Wild pornstar - Free Gina Wild porn videos

Gina Wild

Michaela Schaffrath, Michaela Janke

Gina Wild
Eschweiler,North Rhine-
Westphalia,Germany 3891
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Information about Gina Wild

  • Birth: 6/12/1970, 54 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
His real name is Michaela Janke and is a historic German model from a bricklayer father and a housewife mother in Eschweiler, West Germany.

After school, she worked as a nurse for disabled children 10 years

On October 7, 1994, she married Axel Schaffrath

In 1999, noted Euro-porn director Harry S. Morgan saw an amateur porn movie with Schaffrath and her husband. Morgan Schaffrath hired as professional porn movies with Schaffrath produced eight stars in the paper with the name Gina Wild

In 2000 Schaffrath decided to stop producing porn movies, trying to become an actress. Since then, she has had minor roles in several German films

In 2003 it was confirmed that he was working in a Frankfurt brothel after a customer recognized him. She said, "I need the satisfaction the way some other people need food, I'm addicted to sex."

On February 1, 2005, announced her separation from Axel and officially divorced on December 22, 2005

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