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Ginger Lynn pornstar - Free Ginger Lynn porn videos

Ginger Lynn

Ginger Allen

Ginger Lynn
Rockford,Illinois,United States 3939
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Information about Ginger Lynn

  • Birth: 14/12/1962, 62 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
Ginger Lynn is a mitica porn star of the 80s and very famous for being the first in conversirse pornstar actress

He began his career with his full real name of Ginger Lynn Allen and is considered one of the top 50 actresses in the history of porn

Her childhood was very hard, very traumatic and pathological... and this is because it was abused by his mother when his father became ill and blamed for all the ills. In addition, Allen had very few friends during his childhood, which led to the creation of imaginary friends that she seemed real. Her grandmother reported that this problem last long

Allen attempted suicide in 1974, using sleeping pills and other medications that his mother was using. He was in a catatonic state for about three days

 At age 13 I had a boyfriend who was a drug addict. Not only began his descent into substance abuse, but later became pregnant and aborted the pregnancy

In 1991, Allen was convicted of falsifying a tax return. He spent four months and seventeen days in jail. He also spent time in a rehabilitation center during this period due to cocaine abuse

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