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Hafida Lafitte pornstar - Free Hafida Lafitte porn videos

Hafida Lafitte

Yasmine Lafitte, Yasmine

Hafida Lafitte
Thar Es-Souk,Morocco,Morocco 3905
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Information about Hafida Lafitte

  • Birth: 1/10/1973, 51 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:123 lbs (56 kg)Gender:Female
She was born in Tahar Souk (Morocco) in a Moroccan village of the plateau, which will with her parents to join her family in France, particularly in Bourg en Bresse. Now is the manager of a company that produces pornographic films (Alko Productions) in Lyon (France), but his family, who are Muslim, completely disagree with it, because pornography is prohibited in Islam and as she was educated in religious and traditional family.

Nursing assistant was, but the sexual libertine made her want to pursue professionally X film. It was discovered in 2004 (although it appears in the previous films) and on the cover of the magazine Hot Video. He signed an exclusive contract to Vcom. He also worked for JTC. Then he signed an exclusive contract for 18 months with Marc Dorcel in September 2006. So is the new muse of Marc Dorcel, as other stars like Laura Sinclair, Melanie Coste, Priscila Sol or Oksana. In 2008, Yasmine has renewed its contract with Marc Dorcel. 's Cover of "Casino No Limit" has been the French X film with the biggest budget to date (230,000 €).

Yasmine also raided traditional cinema, a film presented in the Directors' Fortnight at the Cannes Film Festival 2007. In 2008, also the attraction of the upcoming film by Olivier Marchal, MR-73.

Along with her acting career X, Yasmine becomes "Sexy TRAINNER of the men's magazine FHM through your photos and your monthly participation. Appears in several movies and music videos as well.

At the Cannes Film Festival 2008, is also the ambassador of condoms REFLEX, who shares the desire to make condoms available to all.

Although she continues her acting career X, super passionate and active Yasmine projects beyond X, is preparing a national tour which lent his image to a new brand of shirts sexy and has another film project with director Danielle Arbib in conventional cinema.

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