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Hannah Harper pornstar - Free Hannah Harper porn videos

Hannah Harper

Hannah Harper
Bristol,England - South West,United Kingdom 4062
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Information about Hannah Harper

  • Birth: 4/7/1982, 42 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:125 lbs (57 kg)Gender:Female
Hannah grew up in a fishing village in Devon where her parents worked in local holiday camps. She was described as a Real Golosa in school, and studied Theatre, Media, Dance and Psychology at A. His first job was at a local port and a clothing store, also worked in a hotel as a receptionist, maid and waitress.

In 2001, Hannah planing a trip from London to the suggestion of her then-boyfriend. She came to Los Angeles for a photography section. Hannah appeared, at the time, in videos pornos amateurs, under license from Vids Productions, before working with Ben Dover in her first professional film. She signed exclusive contracts with producer Sin City Legends and Vids. Also, she was involved in the daily operations of the LA Direct modeling agency with her boyfriend Ben Inglés, but that ended when they fought in mid-2004.

She also began working as a dancer in several clubs but she mentioned feelings about the work that says "She never learned to dance... and he has no sense of rhythm."

Hannah mentioned that she was once married but quickly divorced while when she met Ben Inglés, she was also in a strong relationship with Mary Carey