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Heather Vandeven pornstar - Free Heather Vandeven porn videos

Heather Vandeven

Heather Vandeven
Los Angeles,California,United States 3832
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Information about Heather Vandeven

  • Birth: 6/9/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:127 lbs (58 kg)Gender:Female
Vandeven was born in Hollywood, California and attended high school in Santa Rosa, California. It was very good athlete and in school and was always skater. After graduating high school at age 17, Vandeven joined the Army for two and a half years, where he worked in food inspection. She has a BA in Education from Southern Illinois University and has worked on her Masters in Nutrition in fall 2006.

Vandeven was named Penthouse Pet of the Month January 2006, and then was chosen as mascot of the Year for 2007.

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