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Hillary Scott pornstar - Free Hillary Scott porn videos

Hillary Scott

Hillary Scott
Naperville,Illinois,United States 4061
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Information about Hillary Scott

  • Birth: 3/2/1983, 42 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Hillary was raised in Chicago, Illinois, where he lived all his life until he moved to Los Angeles, California, to be porn star. It began to be curious about pornography at age 11 when his parents put a TV in your room where you could watch a porn channel. Hillary says in his high school years had a romantic relationship with a classmate. After finishing high school, she began dating a boy who fell in love and she married, but divorced after six months.

He worked in a bank but ended up hating your job, especially because it was very boring and it had to have a serious image and could not dress as she liked. In 2004 he decided to become a porn actress and moved to Los Angeles to pursue it. He became famous for his youthful and adolescent and their participation in gonzo films, rolling very hard hardcore scenes, especially anal sex and his way of speaking extremely obscene and attitude in his films despite their innocent appearance. In 2006 she made her directorial debut, directing the movie Anal Princess Diaries 2 Elegant Angel studio. In 2006, Hillary began working in films more often gentler type screen feature, but continues shooting scenes brutally hard anal gonzo pornography.

Today Hillary has become one of the biggest stars of the genre gonzo porn-looking teenager and has won numerous awards