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Holly Halston pornstar - Free Holly Halston porn videos

Holly Halston

Holly Holston, Mrs Holly

Holly Halston
Los Angeles,California,United States 3562
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Information about Holly Halston

  • Birth: 31/12/1974, 50 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 1 in (157 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Halston Holly was born in Hollywood, California and grew up wanting nothing more than to be a mother of those who stay at home to bake cookies. Well, actually if it has achieved and what it does, but only when the road is fucking, sucking cock and dancing. Holly became sexy dancer at age 18, and ended up marrying the porn actor Troy Halston. Although she does hardcore, she and Troy remain monogamous couple and as hardcore do with anyone else. In fact it seems the only monogamous couples porn international professional hardcore scene.

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