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Information about Houston
24/3/1969, 56 Age.
Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
Houston began his career began in 1995 after Peter Davy, director of adult movies, while she was a dancer at a strip club called "The Tropicana". She subsequently became a contract actress for Nitro, with the salary $ 1,000 per month, and then leaving Metro Global Media.
Houston became notable with his work on the film 500 Houston Metro Company, is a film where she reportedly had sex (hardcore) with over 620 men without interruption on February 6, 1999, although there is certainly widely for many spectators on the testimony, said the actual number was probably around 100 men.
In 1999, she reported to have won over a million dollars and result in $ 20,000 a week for appearances in a strip club. Houston reported having to cut her labia surgery to improve their appearance during the apparitions foreground video in their work. Because in an online auction, selling his repo Houston labia at an estimated price of $ 10,000. In 2000, Houston appeared in a documentary called "Porn to Rock" on VH-1, in which he wrote his reports on the efforts of various actors in the porn industry to make its way into mainstream music in your main effort rock and roll