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Information about India
10/5/1977, 47 Age.
Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
India (Shamika Brown) began his career as a dancer, but in 1996 began making adult films. First was a stripper in Los Angeles, going back and forth for several clubs, where they saw some porn filmmakers
India has also made a parallel career as a member of Harmony Innocents, formed in 1994, signed by record Rec Quality
Her dark skin and exotic looks, in addition to its constitution petite, she served for the next five years, which became a compulsory figure in black-themed porn, especially in the genre of anal sex and the gonzo. She also participated in lesbian content movies during this time. Most of his more than 150 films were centered on girls who, like her, had large round buttocks.
After participating for years in website specializing in interracial couples mainly white guys and black girls, began working part-time at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Nevada, a legal brothel, India sees something safer and where you earn more, so they no longer appear in adult films