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Jasmine Tame pornstar - Free Jasmine Tame porn videos

Jasmine Tame

Jazzy, J-AZZ

Jasmine Tame
New Rochelle,New York,United States 3718
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Information about Jasmine Tame

  • Birth: 15/2/1986, 39 Age.
  • Height:5 ft (155 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
Although it is a newcomer and just take in the porn business a year, Jasmine Tame has already caused
great impact on her world of porn. Jasmine has had great success in more than 50 films he has starred in, all produced by some of the most respected studios in porn. Her blonde hair, her beautiful body, and her winning smile, will make it one of the most sought pornstars network

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