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Jelena Jensen pornstar - Free Jelena Jensen porn videos

Jelena Jensen

Jelena Jensen
Los Angeles,California,United States 4034
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Information about Jelena Jensen

  • Birth: 7/10/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 8 in (178 cm)Weight:134 lbs (61 kg)Gender:Female
Jelena went to school at Chapman University in Orange County, California and graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2003 with a degree in fine arts Film and Television Production with Emphasis on Production.

Jelena began his career while working for Jaded Video as Production Manager and Director of Marketing. When she was Director of Marketing, she was responsible for raising and presenter to make their stands on various adult conventions such as AVN Expo in Las Vegas and Erotica LA in Los Angeles. As she was never interested in doing hardcore pornography, a friend suggested to do scenes alone.

Jelena had her first photo shoot with Scott St. James, which was published in August 2003 edition of the Journal Club. Since then she has worked with many photographers, including Suze Randall, Holly Randall, J. Stephen Hicks, Matti Klatt, and Richard Avery. And with directors such as Andrew Blake, Robby D, and Celeste.

Since then it has sessions for numerous websites, and has performed in each of the major men's magazines, including Penthouse and eight of Playboy Special Editions. He has also been in two Andrew Blake productions, also has a recurring role on the series Digital Playground's "Jack's Playground". The greatest recent achievements in his career have been landing a lead role in the Playboy TV series "Totally Busted"