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Jenna Haze pornstar - Free Jenna Haze porn videos

Jenna Haze

Jenna Haze
Fullerton,California,United States 4063
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Information about Jenna Haze

  • Birth: 22/2/1982, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 1 in (158 cm)Weight:94 lbs (43 kg)Gender:Female
Jenna Haze grew up in La Habra, California, but also spent time in Lancaster, California and in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota. It is the youngest of four siblings and comes from a single parent. He lost his virginity at age 14. At 15 he left school and began working at a fast food restaurant. He had various jobs not highly paid. At age 18, began working as a stripper, but left that day and he did not like at all and unless the fact of having to sit on men who attracted him. Jenna was already a big fan of porn before pursuing it. Some friends asked in 2000 what name would if porn actress Jenna Haze and she replied, in honor of her then-boyfriend (who's name was Hayes Hayes-English pronounced Haze-like) and the song Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze