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Jenna Presley pornstar - Free Jenna Presley porn videos

Jenna Presley

Jenna Presley
Chula Vista,California,United States 3834
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Information about Jenna Presley

  • Birth: 1/4/1987, 37 Age.
  • Height:5 ft (155 cm)Weight:97 lbs (44 kg)Gender:Female
This is the oldest of three children, graduated from Hilltop High School in 2005. During high school she wanted to be a TV presenter, but his way to work in a television newsroom ended when he tried to cross the border into Mexico for a party at the age of 15. This will eventually lead it to exotic dance weekends in his teenage years.

She started at the University of Santa Barbara in June 2005 and left in October 2005. Giving up initially working as a stripper, she began working at a telemarketing company to pay pay for food, rent, and school fees. Eventually he tired of it and returned to work as a stripper.

Before entering the porn industry, she began dancing at Spearmint Rhino in Santa Barbara, California for 3 ½ months before being hired by Derek Hay, owner of LA Direct Models agency. Today, LA Direct Models still represents their interests in adult entertainment.

In an interview dating from January 20, 2005 on a website, Jenna mentions her battle with her sexual past, especially when she was sexually assaulted and first sexual experience with a man at the age of 14. She also mentions her battle with anorexia in her years in high school, where nearly cost him his life and that weighed 26 kilos. She also mentions her sexual promiscuity during college which led to his interest in working in porn.

Since debuting in porn movies XXX has done.

In 2006, Jenna tried his luck in the second season of Jennas American Sex Star. Reached the final after being secondly British porn actress Roxy Jezel

Not know the hobbies of the beautiful Jenna Presley