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Jessa Rhodes pornstar - Free Jessa Rhodes porn videos

Jessa Rhodes

Jessa Rodes, Jesa Rhodes, Jesa Rodes

Jessa Rhodes
Portland,Oregon,United States 3416
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Information about Jessa Rhodes

  • Birth: 29/6/1993, 31 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Jessa Rhodes was born and grew up in a rural area in Oregon, although she's Nordic. She's the youngest of seven siblings and she was home-educated until sixth grade.

She used to pose naked before working in porn. Later on she was discovered by an agent while she was working as a webcam model. She entered the adult film industry in august 2012, soon after her nineteenth birthday. She starred in her first scene with J. Mac for Reality Kings in Miami. Her first agent chose Jessa as her stage name, and told her she resembled July 2011 Playboy Playmate Jessa Hinton.

In 3012, Rodas appeared alongside Lisa Ann, Tera Patrick, Rikki and Jayden Jaymes in the music video for the song "Dead Bite" by Hollywood Undead.

She's undoubtedly one of the porn stars of the moment, and despite her short career she already received lots of awards and nominations from the XXX international industry.

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