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Jesse Capelli pornstar - Free Jesse Capelli porn videos

Jesse Capelli

Jesse Capelli
Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada 4109
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Information about Jesse Capelli

  • Birth: 21/5/1979, 45 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (172 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
After 20 years, decided to leave Canada and move to Los Angeles in search of a new life, where he began working as a glamor model for pornographic magazines and adult magazines. He signed a 3 year exclusive Perfect 10 magazine and when it ended, Jesse continued to work as a nude model. In April 2004 she became Penthouse Pet of the Month for Penthouse magazine. In early 2005, the porn star Jenna Jameson began to create his great empire of actresses exclusive to your company, ClubJenna, so I was looking for girls that interesasen. When Jenna Jameson saw photos of Jesse Capelli, decided she liked and wanted to hire her. Jesse had just participated in a very small number of movies, lesbian scenes ever and very soft but wanted to prosper in porn so ClubJenna accepted the offer, but only performed lesbian scenes. Jesse is currently working under exclusive contract to ClubJenna