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Jesse Jane pornstar - Free Jesse Jane porn videos

Jesse Jane

Cindy Taylor

Jesse Jane
Fort Worth,Texas,United States 3769
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Jesse Jane porn videos

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Information about Jesse Jane

  • Birth: 10/7/1980, 44 Age.
  • Height:5 ft (154 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Although born in Fort Worth, Texas, Jesse had to move and travel to different parts of southern and central United States during his childhood due to his father's work, I was military. At school and college he went to dance classes, was a cheerleader and played soccer. One of his greatest passions, since childhood, is sports. After finishing high school, Jesse began working as a model. He returned to his home, Arlington (Texas) and there began working for the restaurant chain Hooters, becoming regional director and also appeared in one of his television ads, as well as becoming a model for the famous restaurant chain.

It also became a model for Hawaiian Tropic cosmetics chain. As an extra in the movie Baywatch: Hawaiian Wedding and won the photogenic award the organization of misses and American Dreams Pageant models.

She was able to succeed despite its inconveniences.

Jesse wanted to further his career as a bikini model when she read an article about the porn star Tera Patrick that he really liked. He decided to visit their website and saw that at the time Tera Patrick worked under exclusive contract with the production company Digital Playground.

In 2002, Jesse decided he wanted to be a porn star, contacted Digital Playground and, although he had no experience in the porn industry, the studio decided to offer an exclusive contract that remains in effect today. Throughout his career as a porn star, Jesse has worked only for the producer Digital Playground and start being a complete unknown to sign his contract, has risen to become one of the most prestigious pornstars and recognition today. He has also made numerous appearances in pornographic magazines such as Hustler and various pornographic magazines not worldwide.

He has also appeared in a video and on the cover of one of the disks in the group Drowning Pool has maintained romantic relationships with musicians Kid Rock and Tommy Lee.

He is currently host of the Playboy TV program called Naughty Amateur Home Videos and has had some sporadic appearances in American television programs.