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Jodie Taylor pornstar - Free Jodie Taylor porn videos

Jodie Taylor

Jodi Taylor, Brook Scarlet, Bree

Jodie Taylor
Phoenix,Arizona,United States 3408
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Information about Jodie Taylor

  • Birth: 25/7/1991, 33 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
Jodi Taylor grew up as a tomboy in a small town in Idaho. She did martial arts and was a swimmer. Jodie lost her virginity at age seventeen. Since she was a very young girl she worked at a horse ranch, where she was given riding lessons. She worked at Dunkin Donuts and as a model before becoming involved in the adult entertainment industry through an acquaintance. Jodi began performing in explicit hardcore XXX movies in 2012, when she was 20. This endearing beauty with small tits and a big ass has a very peculiar birth mark on the back of her left thigh. In one of the most remarkable and nice scenes she has ever performed she has been seen fucking with ET The Extraterrestrial itself. A explicit sex scene with an alien with a huge head and long green stings.

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