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Julia Bond pornstar - Free Julia Bond porn videos

Julia Bond

Julia Bond
Long Beach,California,United States 4103
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Information about Julia Bond

  • Birth: 20/2/1987, 38 Age.
  • Height:4 ft 9 in (152 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
Julia began dating her current boyfriend DJ Fingaz and when he talked about his desire to become a stripper, this spoke of the girlfriend of a friend who worked in the porn industry. Julia spoke with her and this gave her contacts within the porn industry. Instead of working as a stripper, Julia tried her luck in the porn film debut in More Dirty Debutantes 313 Ed Powers and soon found his calling, working very actively to the most prestigious porn producers, mainly in gonzo films and reaching a remarkable reputation among porn fans in no time.
Julia has also appeared in some of the most popular television programs in the United States, being interviewed by Jay Leno on the Tonight Show and Jerry Springer on his show The Jerry Springer Show. He has also collaborated with DJ Bijal on a remix porn

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