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Julia Channel pornstar - Free Julia Channel porn videos

Julia Channel

Lydia Chanel, Julia Pinel, Julia Chanel, Lady Shanne, Giulia Chanel, Julia Sow

Julia Channel
Paris,Paris,France 352
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Information about Julia Channel

  • Birth: 3/11/1973, 51 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:108 lbs (49 kg)Gender:Female
Julia Pinel better known as Lydia Chanel or Julia Channel is a French model and porn star

He grew up in Seine-Saint Denis. Italian study. Made his first steps as a model posing in swimsuits and later managed to pose for magazines like Playboy and Penthouse. It was discovered by Nils Monitor, a porn filmmaker at the age of 18. Launched as the United States and Italy. Work at the incredible figure of 120 films in just five years side by side with the most important filmmakers of this genre, the American Andrew Blake, Italian or French Mario Salieri Marc Dorcel. He also participated in the famous music video of the song censored Cours vite Silmaris group alongside other porn stars as Draghixa in 1995.

Despite a proposed U.S. study Vivid gold, Julia leaves the porn world in 1996 impacted by a report on AIDS and troubled by their own health and that at that time there was common during filming condom use.

Upon retiring continued to participate in the film world but outside of porn. Participated in thirty erotic films broadcast on the French television channel M6.

He also participated in other television programs to Canal + Sans Queue Ni Tete (no glue or head) in 1999. The program enjoyed a real success and was encouraged to create their own website, which got closer to his followers.

It also appears in numerous music hip-hop

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