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Information about Julia Taylor
3/11/1978, 46 Age.
Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /var/www/virtuales/ : eval()'d code on line 438
0 lbs ( kg)Gender:Female
Porn actress born on November 3, 1978 in Budapest (Hungary), actress exclusive Private Media Group. Among his best-known films include Cleopatra, Giulia sexual deceived, Private Gold 61 and The Legend of Eros among others, but it was certainly the erotic film that made Cleopatra the most popular actresses in the world of porn.
Initially working for producer Mario Salieri, in Italy, with only 20 years of age. The blonde actress argues that it was very hard work in this world and realized that some scenes seemed perverse and dark.
Years after signing contract with Private Media Group, which highlights the work of directors Antonio Adamo and Gianfranco Romagnoli, currently has filmed under the direction of the porn director Erika Lust giving a touch more glamor to their movies