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Kaitlyn Ashley pornstar - Free Kaitlyn Ashley porn videos

Kaitlyn Ashley

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Kaitlyn Ashley
Cape Coral,Florida,United States 3935
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Information about Kaitlyn Ashley

  • Birth: 29/6/1971, 53 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Kaitlyn Ashley is an American pornographic actress and member of the AVN Hall of Fame.

Ashley entered the porn industry with her husband, Jay Ashley, in April 1993, after his return from eight months of active duty as a Marine in Somalia and moved to California. His first screen appearance was in Beach Bum Amateurs # 32.

During 1993 to 1997, appeared in over 300 films. Ashley shared credits with Nina Hartley and Debi Diamond during his four-year career. She became known for scenes of anal sex, double penetration, lesbian and interracial.

In 1995, VCA Pictures offered him a contract, but the offer was withdrawn when surfaced drug addiction from her husband. This angered Ashley, resulting in a separation of several months between the spouses in late 1995 and early 1996. Because your husband does not exceed their addiction, she divorces in mid-1997. Then she starts dating a DJ of a strip club where she worked. This DJ appeared with her in the film The private diary of Tori Welles.

Kaitlyn Ashley hopes washed sweet and wonderful acting ability makes him very popular with critics and fans alike. She has won several awards in the past two years appeared in over 150 functions