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Information about Karla Kush
19/1/1991, 34 Age.
Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:112 lbs (51 kg)Gender:Female
Karla Kush is the beautiful blonde with blue eyes and an innocent face that left the porn industry open-mouthed with her famous interracial performance for
She played an innocent girl and starred in an intense interracial sex scene with a huge-cocked black guy, to repeat the encounter with two black studs in a steamy threesome afterwards.
Glasses give her intellectual look and make her look more innocent, but the thruth is that she's a fuck machine that has quickly become a sensation in the porn industry.
Born in the city of Las Vegas, she has quickly made a lot of fans who pay close attention to her latest jobs, and she always keeps them informed of her personal adventures, using both Twitter and Instagram.
We will keep you informed about everything related to this beautiful blue-eyed girl named Karla Kush.