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Katja Kassin pornstar - Free Katja Kassin porn videos

Katja Kassin

Katja Kassin
Leipzig,Saxony,Germany 4015
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Information about Katja Kassin

  • Birth: 24/9/1979, 45 Age.
  • Height:4 ft 9 in (152 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
Born in the city of Leipzig in the German Democratic Republic, Kassin is the eldest of three brothers. He was ten years old when the Berlin Wall fell and Germany was reunified. When he was 15, got his first job selling ice cream at an Italian restaurant after school and on weekends. Waitress was over six years, which he combined with school and later with the institute. In the month of September 2000 began to pose as a nude model for a local amateur photographic and websites. After three years, went to make softcore scenes came to contact with German porn star Dru Berrymore. Kassin entered the porn by Mark Spiegler and Spiegler Girls talent agency where he worked for three years. On September 9, 2006, he signed with LA Direct Models.

Before moving to the United States Kassin studied and graduated in Political Science at the University of Leipzig in Germany. Also studied German and German Literature.

His first scene in the American porn was "Straight to the A 4" Vince Voyeur for Red Light District. This was shot in March 2003, which only needed to shoot two scenes in Europe. Katja finally settled in Los Angeles in 2004 and married a male porn star in January 2004

On June 1, 2007 underwent a breast enlargement, operated by Dr. Jacobs in New York. The 350cc silicone implants were inserted through the nipple and under the muscle. His first action after recovering was the June 26, 2007.

Katja Kassin's specialty is wild anal sex including double anal practices stopped filming creampies after an HIV outbreak in the industry in 2004. In Germany Katja is known for appearing on the show of a German erotic channel Wa (h) re Liebe.

She has two tattoos, a tiger on his right arm and a bracelet (which is eliminating laser) also has two piercings in her navel and tongue