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Katsuni pornstar - Free Katsuni porn videos


Katsumi, Celine Joelle, Belgazoo, Atsumi

Lyon,Rhône,France 3937
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Information about Katsuni

  • Birth: 9/4/1979, 45 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:116 lbs (53 kg)Gender:Female
His real name is Celine and Joelle Tran is a French porn star

Katsuni is of Eurasian descent and is known for her anal sex scenes

He received two awards at the International Adult Convention in Las Vegas in 2004 and the "Best Actress Award for French" in Brussels in 2005.

Katsuni has also appeared in Penthouse magazine and works both in France and in Los Angeles.

Despite your natural breast appear in most films that he has shot to date, in June 2006 underwent a breast enlargement operation, going from a size 90 (34C) to 100 (34D).

In December 2006, after several years working in the porn industry and having shot countless films of all kinds, Katsuni signed an exclusive contract with the U.S. studio Digital Playground, pledging to work exclusively for the production for several years and making it Exclusive one of its stars.

She originally used the stage name Katsumi, but was banned by a French judge in January 2007, because a woman named Mary Katsumi sued because of the resemblance to his name. In October 2007 Kastsuni was fined 20,000 euros for violations of the ban on using the name "Katsumi"

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