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Kayden Kross pornstar - Free Kayden Kross porn videos

Kayden Kross

Jenna Nickol, Jenna Nikol, Kayden Cross, Kimberly Nicole Rathkamp

Kayden Kross
Sacramento,California,United States 3903
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Information about Kayden Kross

  • Birth: 15/9/1985, 39 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (169 cm)Weight:112 lbs (51 kg)Gender:Female
Born and raised in Sacramento, California. At just 18 he started working as a stripper at a place called Ricks Showgirls located in Rancho Cordova, California, to earn money to buy a pony that was going to be sacrificed. Work subsequently modeled for magazines such as Penthouse, Hustler, Club or Swank.

In November 2006, his fame as a model serves to sign a contract with Vivid exclusivity. Debuts in Kaydens first time (2007) filming a scene with Manuel Ferrara. This film will happen other as: Hard Time, Be here now or Love life (where he shot his first interracial scene). Dissatisfied with the producer decides not to renew the contract for completion in November 2007.

Just a month after announcing his move to Adam & Eve

In September 2008 is chosen Penthouse Pet of the Month

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