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Keri Sable pornstar - Free Keri Sable porn videos

Keri Sable

Carie Sable, Carrie Sable

Keri Sable
New York,New York,United States 3937
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Information about Keri Sable

  • Birth: 28/4/1986, 38 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:103 lbs (47 kg)Gender:Female
Although Keri is from Buffalo, New York, before she began her career in porn she also lived in Phoenix, Arizona and Chicago, Illinois. Finally she moved to San Diego, California.

Keri begun her career in the porn industry in early summer 2004, at age 18. During the following months, Keri took part in a huge number of scenes for different movie producers, mostly hardcore pornograpgy, gonzo style, and it is worth highlighting lots of her anal scenes.

These facts, along with Keri’s photogenic qualities, her beauty, her peculiar charm and her acting talent in the scenes and the vast number of movies in which Keri appeared that were released each month, made her become a well-known actress and a renowned star in the American porn industry, apart from one of the most beloved stars for the fans.

Keri continued doing gonzo style pornography and taking part in lots of movies during the next 10 months, until april 2005, when she signed an exclusive 2-year contract with the producer Wicked Pictures.

From that time on, the number of recently released pornographic movies in which Keri Sable was acting went down dramatically, due to the exclusivility agreement, and the style of movies in which Keri starred changed radically, from gonzo style porn to feature style porn (more artistic and notably softer).

Keri claimed to be really happy of being part of Wicked Pictures, as she had always been interested in the movie producer, in part because the first movies she had seen in her life belonged to Wicked Pictures, plus the idea of shooting movies with a different style from the one she was used to seemed really interesting to her.

Keri continued working for Wicked Pictures for 9 months, till december 2005, when she decided to retire from the porn industry, breaking her contract with Wicked Pictures this way to continue her university studies at home, the East Coast of the United States. It is believed that Kery retired after doing a hardcore sex pornographic scene.

Nowadays, it is not clear if Keri studies in Buffalo or if she lives with her parents in San Diego, but she’s completely retired and does not longer work as a porn actress.