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Kirsten Price pornstar - Free Kirsten Price porn videos

Kirsten Price

Kristen Price, Jadra Holly, JJ Holly

Kirsten Price
Providence,Rhode Island,United States 3430
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Information about Kirsten Price

  • Birth: 13/11/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 1 in (157 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
Kirsten Price is married to the porn actor Keiran Lee, with whom she has recently had a child. This beautiful brunette loves dogs.

Price grew up in Massachusetts. After succeeding as a bikini model and becoming a finalist in Miss Hawaiian Tropic regional contests, she began posing nude, doing stripteases and eventually, she signed an exclusive contract with Wicked Pictures in 2005.

Price married the porn actor Barrett Blade on 9 October 2004. But they ended up getting divorced.

In 2006 she was one of 4 finalists of the reality show My Bare Lady.

Price also had a small role in an episode of the television series Weeds. The scene includes porn stars such as Jessica Jaymes and Lexington Steele.

Taking care of her baby with her husband Keiran Lee