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Information about Kobe Tai
15/2/1972, 53 Age.
Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:90 lbs (41 kg)Gender:Female
Tai was born in Taipei, Taiwan and was later adopted by an American family from Arkansas when he was five months old. As a result, has dual citizenship. He attended the University of Arkansas.
Tai married porn actor Steven Scott, who performs under the name Mark Davis, in 1997. The couple divorced in 1999, but she continues to use the name Carla Scott.
In 2000, he left the industry by announcing she was expecting her first baby. He had a child, born between late 2000 and early 2001. She returned to pornography in December 2001, his last film was Jenna Loves Kobe (Kobe Loves Jenna) with Jenna Jameson. Since then, Tai has disappeared from the industry and there is speculation that will leave forever.
Along with Asia Carrera, she is considered one of the best Asian porn actresses of all time