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Kylie Ireland pornstar - Free Kylie Ireland porn videos

Kylie Ireland

Kilye Ireland

Kylie Ireland
Boulder,Colorado,United States 3531
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Information about Kylie Ireland

  • Birth: 26/5/1970, 54 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:130 lbs (59 kg)Gender:Female
Born in Boulder, Colorado and remained there until age 15, at which point he moved with his mother to San Diego after the divorce of his parents. After completing his secondary education accessible to college to study journalism. At this point, decided to switch his studies with a job that will net you extra income. Thus starts dancing in strip clubs and work in video store.

Your job as a stripper lets you know the actress Juli Ashton would help him take his first steps in the porn industry. In 1994, after dyed blonde and her breasts augmented, travels to Los Angeles.

His first two films are Lil Ms. Behaved with Randi West and Up & Cummers 10 (which also debuted tape Jenna Jameson). After shooting nearly 80 titles in his first year, she decided to return to Colorado. I quickly get their first prizes like Actress awarded by AVN.

Between 1995 and 2001 the actress signed two exclusive contracts. One brief, with Sin City and you end up in the courts. And another, more important with VCA. With this latest study wheel some of his most important points: Cashmere (1998), In the Flesh (1998), Edge play (2000) and New Wave Hookers 6 (2001).

After years of low activity (2002-2003), the actress returns to the forefront with The Whore Next Door (2004). This film not only represents his directorial debut, it also means raising the usual level of sexual performance made by the actress herself. So dare with her first double penetration, double vaginal and double anal. Corruption in the award winning (which also serves as producer) follows the same line by adding even a double fisting their performance.
In 2006 announced the creation of his own production company called SlutWerkz, although initially was proposed as a more (shooting films that would come out on DVD), later (2008) it was decided to focus exclusively on the production of content for the Internet.

In 2008 he was awarded at the AVN Awards for Best Supporting Actress for Layout, Vivid film.

She was married between 1990 and 2003 with Nicholas A. Evans, person oblivious to the world of porn. Currently in a relationship with director Eli Cross.

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