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Lanny Barbie pornstar - Free Lanny Barbie porn videos

Lanny Barbie

Lanny Barby, Lanni Barbie, Lannie Barbie

Lanny Barbie
Montreal,Quebec,Canada 4025
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Information about Lanny Barbie

  • Birth: 29/8/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
Lanny Barby (also known as: Lanni Barby, Lanny Barbie, Lannie Barby y Lannie Barbie) is a model and a porn star born in the region of Quebec, Canada, who began her career in the adult entertainment world when she turned 18, and since then, she has become well-known in the pornographic world, specially through the Internet.

Lanny started to stand out in night clubs (in striptease shows and private presentations…), for which she was hired by an agent soon after that to try luck in the XXX movies world.

Her first appearance in a porn movie was in 2001, in the low-budget porn movie World Sex Tour 24: Canada, and the following year she appeared in 2 on 1 #14, in which she did her first hardcore scene, a double penetration with Lexington Steele y Bobby Vitale. That same year she appeared in Lewd Conduct 15.

During that time, Lanny Barby did photo sessions for porn websites such as under the name of Lenny Barbie. This content, including scenes with Bruno B, appeared in lots of websites.

At that point Lanny conquered her seat of honour in the adult entertainment world. In 2003 she took part in 10 movies, and that same year she posed for the photographer Suze Randall, appearing on the cover of several men’s magazines after that, including Hustler, Club and Penthouse, for which she was "Penthouse Pet of the Month" in June 2003.

Regarding her sexual orientation, she herself stated: “I like men and women alike to have sex. The most important thing is if they are able to keep up with me!”.

Lanny Barby has a stepsister (father's side), who has also ventured into the pornographic world, going by the name of Kimberly Franklin (also known as Kim Franklin). She and Lanny have the same flower tattoo across their arms. Both have appeared in porn films together, in lesbian and threesome scenes. In 2005, some comments appeared on Lanny’s website, claiming that they were not half-sisters, despite the fact that they look really alike. Many have claimed that these comments were probably made to avoid legal or other repercussions of their scenes together, which helped them gain notoriety. According to the porn producer Jim Gunn: “Somebody who knows them really well told me that Lanny and Kimberly are indeed half-sisters (same dad), and based on their physical resemblance and the way in which they interact with each other, which I witnessed working with them for years… I believe it”. Kim retired from the porn at the beginning of 2005, appearing only sporadically in photo sessions.

Lanny got married on march 5, 2005, with the also porn actor Julian Andretti, who is 11 years older than her.

The married couple haven’t stopped their careers, since both have continued working in different porn movies. Even a few weeks after their wedding, on april 1, 2005, it was announced that Lanny had signed a two-year exclusive contract with Vivid Entertainment, becoming the first Vivid Girl of Montreal this way.

She became a finalist for the first FAME (Fans of Adult Media Entertainment) Awards, being nominated in the categories of Favorite Adult Actress, Favorite Anal Starlet, Hottest Body and Favorite Butt.

For several years, there has been a lot of confusion concerning how Lanny’s name should be spelled. She has been referred to as Lanny Barbie, Lani Barby, Lannie Barby and many other forms of the same name, but the moment she signed her contract with Vivid Entertainment, the legal spelling of her name become official, Lanny Barby.