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Laura Lion pornstar - Free Laura Lion porn videos

Laura Lion

Laure Lion, Lenka Prasilova, Laura Lyon

Laura Lion
Litoměřice,Ústí nad Labem,Czech Republic 425
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Information about Laura Lion

  • Birth: 24/3/1983, 42 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:121 lbs (55 kg)Gender:Female
This babe rounded ragos has become very popular on the Internet thanks to their huge breasts giant

Her debut was in 2002 European porno movies. Among his most notable films are the series of full length videos of big boobs genre: Natural Wonders of the World, four films for Private Spanish study, and a couple of movies with Rocco Siffredi. It has become also a regular porn star boobs big U.S. gender.

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In its early German made several porn films, including Miss Donnerbusen 2, which would be her first anal scene. Since then, she has made countless scenes anal, oral and even double penetration scenes