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Laure Sainclair pornstar - Free Laure Sainclair porn videos

Laure Sainclair

Laure Sainclaire, Laure Sinclair, Teresa Sainclair

Laure Sainclair
Rennes,Ille et Vilaine,France 3934
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Information about Laure Sainclair

  • Birth: 24/5/1972, 52 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:99 lbs (45 kg)Gender:Female
After his appearance in a striptease contest adults in 1995 in Rennes, she made some nods, but working conditions backed down and decided to stay away from the adult industry. However later approached him that convinced Marc Dorcel and change their thinking, to offer it an exclusive contract. She made 16 films, and in 1996 received the Hot d'Or prize for Best European porn star. In 1997 Sainclair co-starred with Jenna Jameson in the hit-Wicked Weapon -

Employment with that company until 2000 but only to a puñao of movies per year. She almost always appeared as the main character or star in every movie. He liked to adorn their bed scenes and very thin films

He retired from the porn when put in a radio channel and is currently engaged in campaigns in the fight against AIDS

Shopping and listening to classical music