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Information about Lea De Mae
26/12/1976, 48 Age.
Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /var/www/virtuales/ : eval()'d code on line 432
0 lbs ( kg)Gender:Female
Andrea Absolonova better known as Lea De Mae, was a Czech model and actress.
She was born in Prague in 1976 and she was a member of the Czech high diving national team (platform diving), but she had a serious accident when she was training for 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, which made her retire from sports. In 1999 she debuted as a porn actress with the company Private and short after that she moved to California, where she stood out for her skills. Since then, she took part in around 161 movies. In 2004 she was diagnosed with a strange brain tumour, which sadly, put an end to her life when she was 27.
Lea De Mae, a career that was cut short due to bad luck, because in july 2004 during the Barcelona Erotic Festival she told her agent that she had a brain tumour, despite that, at that time the doctors thought it was a benign tumour, so there was nothing to be worried about, unfortunately other studies revealed the painful reality, that the tumour was cancerous. Due to the expensive surgery and treatment, a bank account was created to try to help her with a financial donation, where her friends put money into, with the intention of paying this complicated operation. After radiotherapy, Lea was getting worse, and at the end, without being able to take her to the USA to make her go through surgery, Lea was leaving this world before the powerlessness of everyone.
Her manager, with tears in his eyes, remembers: "we had planned to build a website for her, but we didn't have the chance to do it", the web domain remained as a tribute to her and it redirects to a site that remembers her, plus her fans can sign a condolence book; Her agent writes on the site: "what you see here is hopefully something which Lea would like. This is my present for her. But not just mine. The idea is that this new place will grow and grow and each person who loves Lea will contribute to it."