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Letizia Bruni pornstar - Free Letizia Bruni porn videos

Letizia Bruni

Letizia Bruni
Novi Ligure,Alessandria,Italy 3748
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Information about Letizia Bruni

  • Birth: 3/12/1973, 51 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (160 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
His stage name is Letizia Bruni, and lives in Piedmont Tuscany.

I fell ill in the world after working as a commitment and practice as a seller.

One day, surfing the Internet, found a place on the production of Silvio Bandinelli where seeking new faces for his films.

I immediately sent an e-mail and was to do the casting.

Andy Casanova (director of the exclusive Show Time) helped her take her first in the world of porn.

His debut was in an amateur movie. All this while keeping his job as a saleswoman, until he took his decision to remove his mask and fully devote to be a porn star.

Works with all Italian producers of porn. His eyes and awakens sensuality pleasant feelings for all that excited watching his movies or sitting in a comfortable chair in his room, enjoying his show online