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Lucianna Karel pornstar - Free Lucianna Karel porn videos

Lucianna Karel

Timea Bella, Timea Bela, Natalia Black, Gejza

Lucianna Karel
Bratislava,Bratislava,Slovakia 3431
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Lucianna Karel porn videos

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Information about Lucianna Karel

  • Birth: 30/3/1992, 32 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
This pretty blued-eyed porn star is one of the girls of the moment on the international porn scene. Short and with a slim body, she has always starred in intense anal sex porn videos, in which she even tried the more extreme anal fist fucking.

The small tits that she always showed off turned into firm enhanced breasts after going through surgery, and now she flaunts them in porn scenes which are not so hardcore but more sensual.

As you are gonna be able to see on her twitter account that she really enjoys taking photos with the actors and actresses with whom she shares great moments while shooting, to proudly publish them on her profile afterwards.

Taking selfies with her co-stars