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Lucy Lee pornstar - Free Lucy Lee porn videos

Lucy Lee

Laura Meeae

Lucy Lee
Krnov,Moravia-Silesia,Czech Republic 3960
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Information about Lucy Lee

  • Birth: 20/5/1980, 44 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (174 cm)Weight:116 lbs (53 kg)Gender:Female
The real name of porn star living is Laura Meeae Asian features, and comes from Korean prodecencia since his parents are both Korean

After graduating from West High School began as a stripper at several pubs and dancing here is precisely where he met Lucy Vince Vouyer (club Body Shop-In Hollywood) and introduce in the porn industry

She has made over 400 films and his name comes from the resemblance to Lucy Liu thereby change the surname to Lee for being typical Korean women

In August 2007, prepared some altercations buying alcohol and was in jail a month in the California Women's Prison