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Luscious Lopez pornstar - Free Luscious Lopez porn videos

Luscious Lopez

Rosalia Murillo, Dasha

Luscious Lopez
Santa Cruz,California,United States 3727
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Information about Luscious Lopez

  • Birth: 11/9/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:130 lbs (59 kg)Gender:Female
Luscious Lopez, but of Mexican descent, born and raised in California. It is famous for her voluptuous Hispanic ass.

Before the start of the adult film industry, Lopez had several different jobs, including a position as a teacher and a position in the healthcare industry. While attending classes at an art school in Arizona, began his career as a nude model, artistic photography sessions done in black and white. After a while posing as a model, he decided to step forward to do some harder content, beginning in the first adult film in Arizona and later in California, although it was also for a time in Florida.

Luscious Lopez is known for his willingness to perform anal sex, regardless of race in their peers. He has made several duets with friends like Ashlynn Brooke and Olivia Olovely. Luscious Lopez is a pornstar with a completely natural body. Never has done sessions UVA has not been tattooed or has undergone any plastic surgery

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