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Maria Bellucci pornstar - Free Maria Bellucci porn videos

Maria Bellucci

Maria Belucci, Maria Szallontay, Sorricca, Maria Swallona

Maria Bellucci
,,Hungary 3878
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Information about Maria Bellucci

  • Birth: 27/6/1977, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (169 cm)Weight:123 lbs (56 kg)Gender:Female
It is difficult to find information of Maria Bellucci for his name that matches the famous Italian Monica Bellucci

The beautiful German pornstar Maria studio hairdressers so began her career as a hairdresser

In autumn 1996 he got tired of combs and scissors... will pass the porn world. It started in a small German producer, and then I went to Kovi and later to an Italian agency.

Between 2001 and 2003 exlusividad work with an Italian production.

Since 2002 regularly goes to Italy for performances on stage, and usually go to different erotic festivals in Hungary and abroad.

Since January 2004, working closely with Fókusz Video and represents him in all festivals erotic

The healthy drink such as mineral water and tea infusions