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Maria Ozawa pornstar - Free Maria Ozawa porn videos

Maria Ozawa


Maria Ozawa
Asahikawa,Hokkaido,Japan 3955
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Information about Maria Ozawa

  • Birth: 8/1/1986, 39 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (163 cm)Weight:105 lbs (48 kg)Gender:Female
Maria Ozawa is also known as Miyabi and is an idol of the masses this girl in Japan thanks to TV AV, shares the spotlight with colleagues as Tina Yuzuki and Anna Ohura

Her mother is Japanese and her father is French-Canadian and for many it is a perfect blend in regard to exotic beauty

As a child was in an international school where she learned English language which she claims to know better than the Japanese

At school played hockey every day, and also practiced daily the Karaoke.

So it is considered a true geek world of console (owns a pink Nintendo DS Lite, and a PlayStation 2 also pink)

They say he had his first sexual experience being under 13 years and learned the "48 sexual positions" through a book that she bought

Model began as Miyabi for the site in June 2005 that resulted in several photo shoots and two videos hardcore gonzo

Then signed by the S1, an AV company that produces hardcore pornography, there debut as Maria Ozawa on October 7, 2005, which ensures that its debut is so nervous that he could not look at the face of your bed partner

She makes a good living off of porn, lives in a mansion and says earn a minimum of $ 8,000 per month.

Family and friends are against her chosen profession, even though Maria is proud of her work.

When she took several videos of fucking her home to show her parents, they refused to see them and dijoron to leave his home.

His hobbies include cooking and see AV its flat TV