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Information about Masuimi Max
12/3/1978, 47 Age.
Height:5 ft 5 in (170 cm)Weight:116 lbs (53 kg)Gender:Female
Masuimi Max (born March 12, 1978, in Jacksonville, Arkansas, USA ) is an American model dedicated to fetish photographs, Korean and German descent. It is well known for his many tattoos and her interest in many fetishes.
His mother died giving birth to her second daughter, Yong-Son Max, when Masuimi was six. His father remarried and soon had a son named Charles. However, she was the object of the hatred of some of the new women of his father and left the family. Masuimi began to undress at the age of 18 years to earn money. His routine included elements of fetish and burlesque dancing.
He has appeared in dozens of magazines and photographs and even music videos. Max has also appeared in several films, including Here Lies Lonely (1999) and Upside Downtown (2005) and his first appearance is in XXX: State of the Union (2005). Also makes appearances at motorsports events. Masuimi has recently appeared in the video group Tiger Army Rose of the Devils Garden and on the television show Fear Factor.
Masuimi Max is his real name. He has two tattoos that are its Japanese name, which when translated say Masumi. As explained Masuimi own tattooed on my arms the way they are pronounced, not the way they are spelled in English. Some of you and you knew, Hiragana and Katakana represent sounds, not letters as in the English alphabet. My name is spelled Masuimi, but first i is silent. Moreover, the pronunciation of my name is exactly as it tattooed on my arms.
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