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Melissa Lauren pornstar - Free Melissa Lauren porn videos

Melissa Lauren

Melissa Laurent, Melissa Louren, Melisa Lauren

Melissa Lauren
La Rochelle,Charente Maritime,France 3966
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Information about Melissa Lauren

  • Birth: 16/10/1984, 40 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:108 lbs (49 kg)Gender:Female
His real name is Melissa Laurent

Lauren began studying as a cook for three years and worked for a year in an exclusive restaurant in Paris as a pastry chef. After reading an ad in a French newspaper. Lauren began filming six days later, in June 2003.

His parents, who hoped that she had studied to be a lawyer or doctor, was initially startled to discover that his daughter was involved in pornography. After seeing that I was away from drug abuse and, finally accepted Lauren's career choice.

Lauren is known for its total lack of inhibition, and full availability in all kinds of sexual practices (including lesbianism, A2M, sadomasochism and BDSM, etc.).

In November 2006, Lauren stated that she stopped acting in heterosexual scenes, and spent directing pornographic films. She would appear in scenes with women, single scenes, and in photo shoots. She had directed several films. However, in his blog entries on Myspace, she has stated that it has signed with producer Marc Dorcel in France and in late 2007 made a gang bang scene with four male actors, proving that she is still an actress involved in heterosexual scenes. He has also stated that it plans to withdraw from porn short term. Undoubtedly the best exponent of French porn today, their reputation for high voltage excenas hard gives a lot of talk was even able to swallow his own vomit and vomiting in full sex scene (making an oral), by that and much more is that it has quickly become an industry icon Current pornigrafica

However, due to their promiscuous nature has taken several scares, infecting chlamydia twice and suffered a serious pelvic inflammatory disease, which required urgent return to France to be operated on.

After undergoing a breast enlargement operation that the step size 34B to 34D, Melissa returned to the operating room, this time the interventions have been a rhinoplasty (nose) and cheekbone surgery. Now there are those who argue that it is still a beauty despite having surgery, however there are critics who complain that it is too much like the other girls operated that exist today.

Melissa has a tattoo on the inside of the right wrist with the Latin motto Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit (What nourishes me destroys me). It also has two piercings teats
