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Memphis Monroe pornstar - Free Memphis Monroe porn videos

Memphis Monroe

Heather Dorsey, Jamie Lynn, Jamie Norton

Memphis Monroe
New Orleans,Louisiana,United States 3718
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Information about Memphis Monroe

  • Birth: 23/3/1985, 40 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 5 in (168 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Memphis Monroe is a pornographic actress born in New Orleans, Louisiana. His stage name comes from Memphis main character of the film 60 seconds and Marilyn Monroe in Monroe. Currently resides in Louisville, Kentucky.

Monroe began working at a Hooters restaurant at age 16. While working for Hooters she posed for a calendar. At age 18, he began to make a nude model in April 2005 began acting in adult films.

In May 2005 she posed for Hustler magazine, two months after he learned that it would be carried in the December issue of the magazine. In November 2005 he signed an exclusive contract for Hustler, becoming the second girl after Jessica Jaymes. In December 2006, renewed his contract with them, but in August 2007 she broke the agreement. He later stated that it was a mutual parting, as I wanted to work independently and Hustler wanted to focus more on their casino and in his clothing line.

Monroe met her future husband in what is supposed to be a one-night stand, but both were still seen after. They married in September 2006

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