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Information about Michelle Barrett
17/7/1981, 43 Age.
Height:5 ft 4 in (165 cm)Weight:149 lbs (68 kg)Gender:Female
Michelle Barrett began making model at 15 years old, posing for magazines and puzzle books. At 19 he began posing in adult magazines making appearances in Hustler, Mayfair, Men Only and Playboys Book of Lingerie (Special Playboy Lingerie March April 2001). Still poses, but today his photographs are published on the internet. He has worked with several well-recognized photographers such as Suze Randall. In addition to his more usual porn videos, Barrett also poses for glamorous fetish galleries, including those involving light bondage and latex.
Barrett began his famous pornographic career in 2000 when he started doing scenes for the American production company Red Light District. She has told in interviews that he dislikes working for producing adult in their homeland (England), commenting that "there are good people." She lives in the city of Sheffield, northern England and travels to the U.S.. UU. to make their videos.
Normally, she flies to U.S. to spend a few months working a year and done 1-2 scenes per day. This rigorous schedule justifies his long filmography.
His films generally fall into the categories of Anal Porn, Lesbian and Gonzo, and Barrett says he has a preference for double penetrations