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Michelle Blanch pornstar - Free Michelle Blanch porn videos

Michelle Blanch

Michelle Blanch
Barcelona,Barcelona,Spain 416
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Michelle Blanch porn videos

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Information about Michelle Blanch

  • Birth: 9/5/1976, 48 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (174 cm)Weight:127 lbs (58 kg)Gender:Female
Michelle grew up in a very traditional family of high social and economic. After graduating, the young virgin who is not even out partying with her friends decided to go to Ibiza to work and live. Then he began to enjoy sex liberal. Single mother, Michelle is a mother who has worked all: Waitress at nightclub, advertising model, receptionist, administrative, etc... Many friends suggested he try his hand at porn because of his good looks and his voracious sexuality and after thinking for a while, he made his debut for the Cowboys in CumLouder

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